Rebekah Jenkins makes art out of thousands of pieces of colored paper. The elements that come out of it have a fantastic look to them. They have depth and a wonderful 3D appearance, all the individual colors pop at you, and they can get quite detailed as well, given that it’s made with unique pieces of paper. The artwork is also, understandably, quite a time-consuming endeavor.

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However, the art style is unique and offers a new look at the various constructed objects. As light hits the pieces of paper and puts a shadow on them, it can also alter the individual works’ appearance. The usage of different colors of paper on which everything is constructed can also change the artwork’s detail and color. The various strands of colors are also folded and sized in their unique way to fit precisely what that single piece of color is supposed to represent. Each paper plays along with all of the other strands of color around it, eventually built into an utterly unique artwork.

The process is long and time-consuming. Jenkins has to be able to plan ahead of all the nuances that arise and precisely cut all of the paper strands and mold them to fit. This is like building a puzzle, but without instructions or any guide but your mind. This may also be the creative freedom of such art since there is no set-in-stone way of how certain things can be represented with folded pieces of paper. So, the artist has full artistic freedom of how they want to express specific details of the artwork at hand.

By bending the art to the artist’s desires, they can paint with paper rather than paint on the paper, giving the art pieces in this style an exciting meaning. Most art is usually drawn with various colors on paper or canvas. Making the canvas underneath merely an afterthought. As the canvas is only the base, and the masterful work is on top of the canvas. Her artwork is truly impressive!

But when the paper is an essential part of the artwork, it makes the canvas underneath a vital part of the artwork. Without which, the art piece wouldn’t exist since this art style depends upon all of the paper elements working together to create a masterful and enthralling image.

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